A classic Dominican Robusto packed with rich and creamy smoke from start to finish. These well-constructed cigars are easy going and thanks to the light nature of Dominican tobacco are ideal for novices or experienced smokes alike.
Since the very early days men and women have worked side by side in the cigar trade. This can be seen to this day at all levels; from farmers and pickers to management and even ownership. Abeja are a prime example, founded by Bienvenida Ovalles in Santiago back in 1997. While Abeja may not be a house hold name, they have been rolling cigars for the likes of Heaven, Scarface and other private lines.
Drawing on tobacco from their own Dominican plantations, Bienvenida has allowed Abeja to create some unique and consistent cigars. This can be seen in the Juliany range of cigars, which are produced for the UK market. Rolled using all Dominican tobaccos, for a rich and smooth smoking experience.