A sweet Honey flavoured cigar, rolled by hand in the Dominican Republic at the La Auroa factory. The popularity of flavoured cigars has been growing in recent years, with more and more people looking for something a little sweeter with a pleasing room note. Whereas many smokers are happy with low quality, machine made cigars with sweet flavours. Others prefer something a little more sophisticated and hand made.
La Auroa who are the oldest Cigar factory in the Dominican Republic have never been one to take a back seat and these stunning cigars show just that. Made using the smooth and creamy tobacco the Dominican has been renowned for, these petit coronas tick all the boxes. The use of a Connecticut Shade wrapper adds a little body to the smoke, but it’s the use of natural flavourings which really make these cigars stand out.
La Aurora are on the oldest and biggest tobacco manufactures in the Dominican Republic. The brand was started in 1903 when León Jimenes opened the La Aurora factory in Santo Domingo. At the time the neighbouring Caribbean island Cuba had been at the heart of the cigar trade, but Jimenes worked hard and to this day they are the biggest cigar brands smoked in the Dominican. It was not an easy journey for this revolutionary cigar maker, at the time the island lacked infrastructure, depending on donkeys to transport the tobacco and rolled cigars.
La Aurora has survived invasions, civil unrest and authoritarian rule and still to this day produce a stunning array of cigars, from conventional vitolas and recreations of their first “preferdios” shapes, which they have been making since 1903.