Melanio Oliva first grew tobacco in Pinar del Rio, Cuba in 1886 and remain one of the most influential cigar makers in Nicaragua. Their award winning excellent cigars have featured in Cigar Aficonado and Cigar Journals Cigars of the year, year after year, reaching the peak No 1 Cigar of the year in 2014. The Flor de Oliva are THE original long filler hand made cigars produced by Oliva, cigars in Nicaragua. They draw well, and the blends have a well-balanced, medium-bodied flavour with notes of sweet-spice and caramel on the finish, all at an incredibly value price.
Serie G Maduro is a medium body blend made with Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper. The unique flavor notes of this wrapper are complemented by the natural richness of Nicaraguan Habano fillers
Blending Notes: Medium body with notes of cedar and coffee.
Aging: Cameroon is a thin wrapper with little oils, its flavor will change little from aging.